How long will the Coronavirus Lockdown Last?

When the Coronavirus first started many state and local governments shut down business and took other measures to reduce the spread. We were told the coronavirus lockdown was necessary to stop the spread of the disease.

What was supposed to be a couple weeks of a coronavirus lockdown has now lasted for months. The numbers of infection cases continues to climb even after these steps were implemented.

The virus is a real flu like illness that has taken the lives of many people. The majority of people who get the virus have mild to moderate symptoms but can easily spread it to others who may be more susceptible to the illness. People with compromised immune systems or other health issues are the most vulnerable to the virus.

The Coronavirus lockdown is hurting small businesses

Coronavirus lockdowns earlier this spring have caused severe economic hardship for millions of workers across the country. Businesses closed to the public, manufacturing was reduced and people were told to stay home.

A staggering number of small businesses have been completely shut down due to the draconian orders of some state and local governments. Many of those businesses will never reopen due to the impact they’ve suffered.

According to Fortune:

At the onset of the pandemic 140,104 were marked temporarily closed on, but by August that had fallen to 65,769. That drop, however, is not entirely driven by businesses reopening; instead, many have simply gone under. More than 97,966 businesses have permanently shut down during the pandemic, according to’s Local Economic Impact Report.

The majority of these small businesses represent the life’s work of an individual and their family. Through no fault of their own they were forced to close down or face penalties from overreaching state and local government.

Foreclosures increasing due to the impact on businesses.

Workers are left without jobs as businesses close leading many people to lose their homes and the little economic stability they had. States enacted moratoriums on evictions due to unpaid rent or mortgage payments. As those moratoriums expired evictions began to increase.

According to Housingwire:

Despite foreclosure moratoria holding steady in several states, a recent foreclosure report from ATTOM Data Solutions revealed a total of 6,042 U.S properties began the foreclosure process in October. That number is up 21% from a month ago, but still down 79% from this same time last year.

Rental property owners were hit with the ripple effect of not receiving rent payments but still being required to pay taxes and other property expenses once covered by payments they received.

Many small businesses that were forced to close were still required to make rent payments even though they had no income due to the lockdowns. There were many small businesses that didn’t qualify for loan programs that was intended to keep this from happening.

The cure cannot be worse than the sickness

Media is filled with misinformation about the virus with major media outlets using the virus to push their political agenda and promote liberal politicians.

Earlier this year many of these media outlets were downplaying the virus and it’s effects only to change their position to promoting lockdowns and supporting draconian measures enacted by politicians who are hungry for power.

The coronavirus lockdown has delivered a crushing blow to our economy and the emotional condition of the citizens of this country. We have seen an increase in suicides and substance abuse because of the isolation.

We are literally killing ourselves and our economic future due to lockdowns that are not slowing the spread of the virus. Our Constitutional rights are being dramatically restricted by draconian and unconstitutional orders from governors and mayors across the country.

Businesses are trying to require proof of vaccination against the coronavirus. Some are already asking for proof that you’re negative for the virus.

Less than half of Americans say they would comply with any more lockdowns. Lockdown protests will no doubt turn into riots as more people refuse to follow lockdown orders as coronavirus fatigue becomes overwhelming.

We must work to protect the most vulnerable of our society but also time to end the lockdowns that hare causing more harm than good at this point. We cannot continue down this path of self destruction any longer.

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