It’s Voters not liberal politicians that’s the problem

Liberal politicians who want to reshape our entire nation are not the real problem in our country. The real problem we face is the liberal voters who support them.

As a nation we need to have an honest conversation about what it means to be an American. What is it that makes us unique compared to other nations around the globe? Answering those questions would make positive steps in solving many political issues.

Our nation was founded on the idea of self governance and individual freedoms. The laws of the country would be created by the citizens themselves through their elected representatives instead of by a king or national dictator.

We can look to our Constitution and other founding documents to better understand the vision the Founders of our nation had for this country. The people are to be the masters of our government instead of government being masters of the people.

Our nation is currently undergoing a political upheaval from the far left aided by liberal politicians with a lust for power. Throughout the world every leftist government has become more dominating of the individual lives of citizens.

We have fought wars against the ideology that is now running wild in our streets. There are elected officials who support them and the leftist ideology they promote.

How did liberal politicians who hold those positions get into office and why are there so many people who support liberal policies? There are several reasons why.

Lack of understanding the issues

In order for the people to make the best decision about the issues, they must understand how the political issues will affect their lives. History has shown that people who aren’t taught the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them. The lack of education about those past mistakes is part of our problem today.

If we look into our nation’s history we will learn the reasons our ancestors fought a Revolutionary War that changed the shape of the world. We will also see the reasoning behind the actions they took in shaping our great nation.

Public schools fail to teach civics

One of the most destructive things that has happened in our nation is that we’ve allowed the government to educate our children. The people who are the most threatening to our freedom are the same people who educate our children.

Studies clearly show that public schools fail to teach civics. We don’t need to look at politically charged articles on that issue because the education system clearly admits their failures in teaching civics. According to the National Education Association:

One of the primary reasons our nation’s founders envisioned a vast public education system was to prepare youth to be active participants in our system of self-government. The responsibilities of each citizen were assumed to go far beyond casting a vote; protecting the common good would require developing students’ critical thinking and debate skills, along with strong civic virtues.

The basic design of the education system was to develop critical thinking and debate skills. Compare the textbooks from the colonial period to those of today and you will see a big difference in educational structure. Much of that structure cultivated critical thinking instead of blind remembrance and regurgitation of facts.

Most teachers today in public schools aren’t allowed to do their job and actually teach students. They are instead teaching a government mandated test in order to keep funding coming into the school. If they are unable to get enough students to pass the test required by government the school will lose money.

Nearly half of Americans don’t vote

There is a serious lack of participation from a significant portion of American citizens. Nearly half of Americans don’t vote during the election cycles. According to an article in Politico:

Nonvoters are an eclectic faction with distinctive blocs that support Democrats and Republicans—but don’t show up to cast their ballots—and an even larger group that is alienated from a political system it finds bewildering, corrupt, irrelevant or some combination thereof.

The basic structure of our election process is that the person who gets the most votes wins. If only three people in the country showed up on election day, the candidate who got two of the votes would be the winner.

A lack of participation of voters is a contributing factor to liberal politicians gaining power in many areas of the country. It is impossible for liberal politicians to create policies that restrict freedom or burden working families if they never get into office in the first place.

Voters believe propaganda over facts

Many people today will believe the media propaganda about individual candidates instead of investigating the issues for themselves. There are clear examples of media bias that is directly intended to sway the views of individuals on particular issues.

There are many videos showing voters supporting ideas of politicians they claim to oppose if they are told it was the idea of a candidate they support. Instead of investigating the issues for themselves, they blindly follow the propaganda and the crowd.

The future of our nation

Our nation’s history is filled with political struggles on the various issues of the day. What makes it different today is that many liberal politicians and their supporters are openly promoting dangerous ideologies.

The ideologies they hold are directly in conflict with everything our country has stood for throughout its existence. The future of our nation depends on us preserving the freedom our ancestors fought so hard to obtain.

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